President Steve Savrda
Vice Pres Ines Klenke
Secretary Mary Frankis
Treasurer Crystal Allan
Hike Planner Sherry Savrda
Social Michele Powell Membership Margie Hornsby
Publicity Rod Jude
Webmaster Richard Sullivan
Trail Maint Kelly Motter
Conservation Ralph Collinson
Past Pres. Michael O'Brien
The club has quarterly combined business meetings and potluck dinners. Specialty events are also periodically planned. We are one of the largest hiking clubs attending Wilderness Wildlife Week in the Great Smoky Mountains each May, usually with over 40 members in attendance. The club has also organized hiking trips to Virginia, Mt. Mitchell, and other locations in the Southeast
In Summary: Come play, hike, and trail maintain with us!
Hiking throughout the year provides unique experiences during each season.
Spring: Wildflowers
Summer: Cooler hiking at higher
Fall: Spectacular Foliage
Winter: Outstanding Vistas
Matthew Curo
Gretchen Addicks
Tina Dockery
Kimberly Voorhees
Joan Thayer
Ronnie Prance
Susan Prance
John Bowen
Debbie Webb
Bill O'Malley
Karen O'Malley
You are responsible for yourself, so be prepared:
1. With knowledge and gear. Become self reliant by learning about the terrain, conditions, local weather, and your equipment before you start.
2. To leave your plans. Tell someone the trails you are hiking, the gear you are taking, when you will return, and your emergency plans.
3. To stay together. When you start as a group, hike as a group, end as a group. Pace your hike to the slowest person.
4. To turn back. Weather changes quickly in the mountains. Fatigue and unexpected conditions can also affect your hike. Know your limitations and when to postpone your hike. The mountains will be there another day.
5. For emergencies, even if you are headed out for just an hour. An injury, severe weather, or a wrong turn could become life threatening. Don’t assume you will be rescued; know how to rescue yourself.
6. To share the hiker code with others.
Conservation and the environment are priorities in MHH. Members are kept current about legislative and Forest service proposals impacting our forests in order to take an active and informed role.
Mountain High Hikers, Inc. is a member of the American Hiking Society, Appalachian Trail Conservancy, Georgia ForestWatch, Southern Appalachian Biodiversity Project, Mountain True,and Southeastern Foot Trails Coalition. We have also partnered with Hiwassee River Watershed Coalition, Mainspring Conservation Trust, and Save Georgia's Hemlocks on various projects to save our forests.